Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Political Discussions in the Office! Yes or No?

As the world becomes increasingly turbulent, HR professionals must take a step back and consider how these events impact the workplace. While it can be tempting to ignore what is happening outside the walls of our businesses, the reality is that these events can have a profound impact on our employees, customers, and organizations.

Today corruption, authoritarianism, and inequality threaten the very fabric of our civilization. These issues can manifest themselves in various ways within the workplace, from discrimination and harassment to political polarization and divisiveness. As HR professionals, we are responsible for creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all our employees, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.

As the world becomes more connected and globalized, it is becoming increasingly crucial for workplaces to have open and honest conversations about what is happening because many of the issues that are affecting the world at large, such as political polarization, discrimination, and inequality, can also impact the workplace. 

By having open and honest conversations about these issues, employers can better understand how they are impacting their employees and take steps to mitigate any adverse effects. Real conversations can create a more supportive and inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and respected.

Facilitating discussions about current events will build empathy and understanding among coworkers. When exposed to different perspectives and ideas, we are more likely to develop a sense of compassion and understanding for others. Openly discussing current events will reduce workplace tension and conflict and create a more positive and collaborative work environment. Having a conversation about current events will foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills among employees. When exposed to complex issues and diverse viewpoints, people think critically about their beliefs and assumptions.

Having open and honest conversations about what is happening worldwide is essential for creating a supportive, inclusive, and collaborative workplace culture. By discussing current events, we can better understand how they impact our employees, build empathy and understanding, foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and create a sense of community and belonging.

One of the most important things we can do is stay informed about what is happening around us. Staying educated means keeping up with the news, engaging in thoughtful discussions with employees, and actively seeking diverse perspectives. By doing so, we can better understand how these issues are impacting our workforce and take steps to mitigate any adverse effects.

We can be encouraging, not discouraging, open and honest communication, creating opportunities for employees to share their experiences and perspectives, and modeling respectful behavior. It is important to remember that everyone has a unique perspective on the world and that we can learn a lot from each other by actively listening and engaging in dialogue.

HR professionals must take concrete steps to address workplace discrimination and inequality issues. These steps include implementing diversity and inclusion training programs, providing resources and support for marginalized employees, and creating policies and procedures that promote fairness and equity. By taking these steps, we can help create a workplace that is more resilient in the face of external challenges and more supportive, inclusive, and just for all of our employees.

The world faces significant uncertainty and upheaval, and HR professionals are essential in helping our organizations navigate these challenges. By staying informed, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding, and taking concrete steps to address issues of discrimination and inequality, we can create a workplace that is better equipped to weather the storms that lie ahead.

When discussions become political, things get tricky, so our workplaces need to represent the idea of a safe space. A safe space in a workplace is a physical or virtual environment where employees feel secure, supported, and respected to express themselves freely without fear of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Employers create safe spaces to create a positive and inclusive work culture where employees can bring their whole selves to work and feel valued and accepted for their unique qualities.

Creating a safe space in the workplace can have many benefits, including increased employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction and a reduced risk of legal or reputational damage for the employer. Employers can establish safe spaces by setting clear policies and procedures that support an inclusive and respectful workplace, providing diversity and inclusion training, and promoting open communication and employee feedback.

Ultimately allowing political talks depends on the specific workplace culture and policies. 

Here are some things to consider:


  • Encourages open communication and freedom of speech
  • This can lead to increased engagement and interest in current events
  • Allows for the sharing of different perspectives and opinions, which can promote empathy and understanding
  • Can help build a sense of community and shared values among employees


  • Political discussions can be divisive and create tension among coworkers with different beliefs
  • It may distract employees from their work and reduce productivity
  • This can make some employees feel uncomfortable or excluded if they do not want to participate in political discussions
  • This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts if not managed properly

Employers who allow political discussions in the workplace must set clear guidelines and expectations for employees, such as maintaining respect and civility towards one another, avoiding harassment or discrimination, and keeping discussions focused on issues rather than personal attacks. Employers may also consider offering resources or training to help employees navigate challenging conversations and disagreements.

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