Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Value of In Person Training

As the CEO of Integrative HR Solutions and a skilled facilitator, I have seen firsthand the benefits of in-person training sessions for managers. While technology has made it easier than ever to provide remote training, there is still a unique value to classroom-style learning.

Recently, I facilitated a training session for a group of managers from a large corporation. The training focused on leadership development and gave the managers the tools and skills to lead their teams effectively. This training could have been done remotely by the company CEO recognized the value of in-person training and opted to hold the session in a classroom.

During the training, the managers could interact with one another, share their experiences, and collaborate on various projects. They could also ask questions in real-time and receive immediate feedback from their peers, something that could not happen through virtual training.

One of the most significant benefits of in-person training is the opportunity for managers to connect and network with one another. This interaction fosters community and support, which is critical in today's fast-paced business world. When managers feel supported and connected, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to better performance.

Another benefit of in-person training is the ability to customize the training to meet the specific needs of the managers. While webinars and e-learning courses are helpful, they do not cater to the unique needs of each individual or organization. In-person training allows facilitators to adapt the content and delivery to ensure that each manager gets the most out of the session.

Finally, in-person training provides an immersive experience that is not possible through virtual training. Managers can fully engage with the material and interact with their peers, which helps to solidify their learning and understanding of the content.

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